Learn More About Our Programs

The first step in our ministry model is building relationships and the second identifying needs. Our first year in ministry, that was our direct focus. Our programs have been designed with those 2 pieces of the model at the forefront, a lot of prayer and guidance from the Lord. Our programs have the united goal of showing God’s love in tangible ways, and providing gospel hope to vulnerable children and their families. 

What We Do

Our Programs

Sports Outreach & Bible Study

In our direct community, we have a sports outreach program. The culture here is very much competitive and into soccer and baseball. This is a great way to meet teens where they are at. Because of the legalism that is very prevalent here, teens stop going to church with their families. Sports also provide a fun activity to other negative alternatives. Our sports program include a time of devotional, Bible Study and prayer. We try to connect with other ministries doing similar things to have our teams play against each other and enjoy fellowship.

charity fundraiser
Children's Bible Club

We didn’t know when we arrived that we would be serving in a garbage dump, but the Lord quickly showed us this was a great area of need. Families live and work in garbage dumps here in order to survive. They not only pick through the garbage for food but mainly for the plastic and glass so they can sell it to the recycling plant. The sight of children running barefoot through broken glass and feces gripped our hearts that we needed to be here. The education level is very low and child neglect and abuse are rampant. We have started a feeding program and family mentorship program. This is our greatest area of need currently. The program grew out of the garbage dump and into a church where the children now regularly have Bible classes in addition to the feeding program. 

Camps and Clubs

The Lord has blessed us with a beautiful community center/sport court/kitchen and bathrooms. We partner with our local communities, existing ministries and churches to provide a day camp or club experience for at risk children. Through activities, sports and play we thread gospel hope and help to hurting children. Our camps are either full day or in the form of a club which is a shorter version. Sports, baking, crafts, English classes, education support are all a part of our camp and club programming.

MOMS Mentorship Program

The amount of teen mothers here due to prostitution, abuse, or lack of education is astounding. 1 in 3 women has their first baby before they are 18 and it is not uncommon for girls or 11-14 to already have a child. Our MOMS mentorship program works with teen moms to assist with basic needs for them and their babies such as formula, diapers, food, and clothing, and to come alongside them in a mentorship role with early childhood education, help with medical appointments and medications. 

Shine Children's Sponsorship

The Shine Sponsorship program was born out of the program that started in the garbage dump. We currently have 60 children sponsored and they received school supplies, backpacks and school uniforms in addition to monthly nutritional support. Find out more here.

Discipleship Training

We are currently developing a local leadership team so that the ministry efforts can be multiplied. Making disciples is at the core of all of our programs but we know that a) we cannot personally disciple all the people our ministry serves and b) local discipleship leaders are much more effective than foreigners in a discipleship and mentorship relationship.