This trip might just change your life

Learn more about our short term advocacy trips and internship opportunities.

2024-2025 DATES OPEN

Interested in serving with Haven Heart? We are currently accepting applications for teams for Fall/Winter 2024 and Spring/Summer 2024

What You Can Expect

You won’t change this country with one trip but this country will change you. Prepare to be loved and accepted with open arms by the beautiful people here. Prepare for your eyes to be opened to the reality of a very different culture, amidst abject poverty. Prepare to be available to serve in whatever capacity and gifting the Lord has given you. Prepare for your spiritual life to be shifted and molded, as you enter into holy work in His name.

Be Flexible

This was the advice given to me by my first mission trip leader (who is now my husband!) and wow, did it ever come in handy. From our translator being denied access into the country, to our luggage full of VBS supplies not showing up, to a slew of other speedbumps, being flexible let me witness the miraculous work and provision of the Lord in all these moments. You are in good hands with us, when you come and serve here. All we ask is that you are flexible, teachable and available to be used by the Lord.

Join Us!

Your team could serve in a variety of ways. We will work closely with you to determine which ministries and activities are best suited, in order to meet real needs in the communities we serve, as well as best utilize your teams skills and gifting. We will ensure all logistics are taken care of before arrival in the country and serve with your team throughout your trip. Come and experience the amazing culture and country! Together we can elevate local leadership, stimulate the hurting tourism economy and learn about, and become advocates for the children and families we serve!

Teams of 4-10

Group Registration Fee - $200 US per person (non-refundable)

Cost per person - $65 US per day (We aim for 7-10 day trips)
(not including flight)


Ministry Project Options

What gifts and skills has God given you to further the kingdom?

mission team camp

VBS or Camp Program

$300 - $1000 Develop a VBS program with your team and we will take you traveling to various churches and programs to present. Provide craft and other print materials, a meal and teaching.

mission trip building team

Building Team

$500-$5000+ Partner in a building project. Current opportunities. -Retreat and team housing on HH property. -Library and education support centre in the dump community


Maintenance and Development Project

$300-$700 Paint a church, classroom, develop a garden, ministry centre repairs and maintenance etc.

mission trip spiritual development retreat

Host a Retreat

$3000+ Host a large training event for youth, children or Pastors and enhance the local leadership and congregations in their spiritual development. One day or overnight options.